Dynamo and Antifire design in Revit model
AUTORI: Edoardo Maroder & Damiano Di Ciaccio
Dynamo and antifire design in Revit model
One of the main tasks in antifire design is to detect the length of every evacuation path from rooms to emergency exit or filter spaces and verify that the values do not exceed the threshold related to the kind of building. Starting from a prepared BIM model we studied a dynamo script which can highilght every evacuation path and discern the shortest ones, and then guarantee that the treshold is verified.
The first step is to create a new shared parameter called “Exit Type” in order to distinguish between exit doors and emergency doors. Then it’s necessary to create two new line styles, one for the verified path and the other one for the unverified path.
We’re going to identify the circulation rooms and analyze their surface with a Delaunay triangolation in order to define the minimum length. Doors marked as “exit room” are supposed to be the starting point while doors marked as “emergency exit” are supposed to be the ending point of the curves.
The result is a view in which it’s easy to detect the problems related to the length of the paths.
It is needed the Archi-lab and Lunchbox packages.