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Dynamo and Antifire Module

AUTORI: Edoardo Maroder & Damiano Di Ciaccio

Dynamo and Antifire Module

Starting from previous result (“Dynamo and antifire design in Revit model”) we keep on analyzing the antifire check.

One of the necessary step in antifire design is to detect the total occupancy of levels inside a building and to make sure that emergency exit modules allow people to run out safely. Our objective is to export and Excel report linked to the Revit moodel which verifies the result of our planning.

We studied a dynamo script in order to operate with revit project parameters which give us the base of researched values.

Step 1 - Revit Model

We prepared Revit model with project parameters (assigned to rooms and doors) to get the occupancy value related to the different function of rooms. The result will be a sum between rooms with a speficied number of people and rooms with occupancy index.

Step 2 - Dynamo script

Analysis of Revit data: the real occupancy and the maximum occupancy permitted obtained by the amount of doors module (following the italian standards).

Step 3 - Excel

The result of the script is an Excel file made of two papers: the first one is a summary of the occupancy room by room; the second one shows if the existing modules satisfy the requested number.